【Hi-Talent】International Student Career Studio——First Activity Preview

Release time:2024-04-19


In order to help international students understand the employment policies and process in China, have a better plan for achieving their career goals and enhance their employment abilities and skills, College of International Education will establish the International Student Career Studio. The first activity is arranged as follows:

一、主讲人及内容介绍 Speaker and Content Introduction

吉玛KRIVOSHEEV DMITRY,俄罗斯籍,我校2010届国际贸易学专业硕士、2016届技术经济及管理专业博士生校友,现担任大连睿泰智通重工科技有限公司项目部主管。校友吉玛在校期间表现优异,曾代表学校参加俄罗斯汉语年魅力汉语大赛、第三届汉语桥在华留学生汉语大赛等多项赛事并获奖。

KRIVOSHEEV DMITRY, from Russia, graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology with a master’s degree in International Trade in 2010 and graduated from HIT with Ph.D. degree in Technological Economics and Management in 2016. He currently serves as the project manager of Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd. He performed excellently during his school and represented HIT to attend and win various competitions such as the Charming Chinese Language Competition of the Russian “Chinese Year” and the 3rd “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Language Competition for International Students in China.


Sharing Content: Study and employment experience in China.

二、活动时间及地点 Event Time and Location


On Monday, April 22, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and the location will be notified later.

三、面向对象 Participants

国际教育学院全体学生All international students of CIE

四、报名方式 The Way to Register


Students who are interested in participating in this activity need click on the link or scan the code to register.




International Student Management Office of CIE


April 19, 2024


(注:通知请以中文版为主,英文翻译仅供参考。最终解释权归国际教育学院所有。Note: Please use the Chinese version as the main notice, and the English translation is for reference only. The final interpretation is reserved by the College of International Education.